20 mobile app stats to know before developing an app of your own

No doubt mobile app development is a huge investment and rather a process that asks for extensive research, strategic marketing and dedicated planning. Winning in the highly competitive mobile app market isn’t easy and it can be absolutely intimidating if you’re unaware about where to begin.
The society today is completely drenched in the mobile and having a presence has rather become officially mandatory. However, before committing to development being a savvy app developer in Dubai, getting acquainted with the mobile ecosystem is important.
Take all the time you want and get familiar with the target audience as well as the mobile products you’ll eventually pitch. Only then you can take an informed decision on the best mobile strategy. Here’re a few statistics to help you out.
- By 2020, the number of mobile users would be approximately six billion or greater.
- Mobile media audience today is twice as larger than the desktop counterparts.
- More or less 70% of the total digital media is spent on a mobile device.
- Total digital timeshare is dwarfed by apps that make up for almost 80% of the total mobile minutes globally.
- Although mobile web pulls more unique visits per month, actual app users accounts for most of the time spend per visit.
- Almost 69% smartphone owners are accustomed in checking their phones every 15 minutes after waking up.
- Around 30% smartphone owners feel incomplete and anxious without their phones.
- An average user would check his smartphone around 50 times per day.
- More or less 92% smartphone owners turn to their devices for ideas while in middle of a task.
- With research, approximately 65% users trust some of the most relevant mobile sources irrespective of the one sharing these details.
- During second quarter of 2016, 50% of the total iOS apps crashed unintentionally whereas the number of Android apps to face the similar situation was 23% approximately.
- Back in 2016, around 65% iOS apps crashed due to performance related issues.
- Around 44% in-app defects are explored by a typical user whereas 47% apps require extra time for testing.
- More or less 58% users face interface inconsistencies while 53% are frustrated by overall performance issues of the apps.
- 30% users would probably abandon using the app if they find it invaluable and useless.
- 70% users would revert using an app only due to prolonged loading time.
- Around 66% users are negatively impacted by poor mobile experience when taking a certain opinion or decision on a brand.
- Approximately 70% women have unpaid apps installed on their smartphones whereas men sums up to 50%.
- Millennials between the ages of 18 and 34 are more likely to purchase the applications as compared to their seniors and elder counterparts.
- More than 76% Millennials agree on their smartphones being useless without applications.
When planning to create a deeper and long-term relationship with the customers, effective mobile communication needs to be prioritised.