3 Ways To Take Good Care Of Your Prom Dress

It is needless to say how exciting a prom night is for the high school girls. This is the time when they get a chance to dress up to the nines and experiment with their overall look. This event is all about looking stylish with a perfect prom outfit and to make yourself the talk of the town with your incredible fashion sense. And, all the efforts to find the most stylish dress for the night indeed worth your time. After all, it happens only once in a lifetime.
But, what you do with your prom outfit once you have worn it? It would probably be one of the most expensive clothes you will purchase, unlike your day-to-day clothes. Thus, it requires you to keep a good care of it. Why? Because there would come many occasions where you can rock your prom dress again, only if it would be kept properly and would not lose its charm. Here are the tips and tricks to keep your special dress safe.
Dry Cleaning
Dry cleaning can increase the life of any special outfit, be it prom dresses or wedding dresses. If your dress is cleaned properly, then here are the benefits you can see-
- A fresher appearance for a longer time
- Color as bright as new
- Extended life of the fabric
You will never know when a stain gets stick on your dress while partying. Here, it becomes important that you address the problem as soon a possible. Do not let the stains get soaked in the fabric and leave their mark forever. Therefore, taking your dress to the dry cleaner as soon as the party is over is always suggested.
Getting wrinkles on your gown or dress is quite normal after you have worn it for a party. Take it to a professional for getting it steamed or pressed properly. You can do it yourself as well by using a dry cool iron and pressing the dress down on it. Remember, you have to protect your dress while performing this job. For this, you can put a white cloth between the fabric and the iron.
Stains (The Basics)
As discussed on the first point, stains should be treated as soon as possible. The more you wait after getting stain, the harder it becomes to deal with it. Before you perform any stain removal hack at home, test your way on a hidden area of the dress to see the results. Do not iron on the stain area or rub a stain, as it will make it harder to remove. If any liquid gets dropped on your dress, run cold water over it quickly. Treating the stain earlier will help remove it quicker.
Now, that you know how to take a good care of your prom dresses, make sure you give them the care they need. Because, you would have to rock your special dress in many more occasions coming in the future, so preserving its shine and charm is your duty.