4 Common Liquid Waste Disposal Methods
Waste generation is inevitable, whether at home or in industrial settings. Without proper disposal, this waste would end up polluting the environment. Liquid waste disposal is required because there is always potential for discharges, runoff and unexpected leaks that can lead to the waste ending up in the environment. Fortunately, there are different types of liquid waste management and disposal options.
Sedimentation is a common type of liquid waste treatment, and it uses gravity to separate water from solid waste. Once liquid waste removal is complete, and the waste has been transported to a processing facility, the waste is left in sedimentation basins. In these basins, the velocity of the wastewater is reduced to ensure solid matter does not remain suspended and instead settles at the bottom as sludge. As the water flows through the basins and the solids settle, it is removed, leaving the sediment behind. The water can be treated before release, and the solid waste can be removed and disposed of safely.
Some companies that provide liquid waste management services also use dewatering plants to manage the waste they receive or collect. In this process, the liquid waste is pumped into sturdy bags. By doing this, the facility removes all the water from the waste and leaves solid waste.
The solid waste can then be dried and compacted to be disposed of properly. It can also be used as a soil conditioner or natural fertiliser. The liquid waste can then be treated and transported to a commercial treatment plant, where it is treated similarly to residential water waste.
It is important to understand that liquid waste management companies will only accept certain types of wastewater for their dewatering processes. If they cannot take the waste transported to their facilities, they typically send it to commercial disposal plants that can treat it appropriately.
Both sedimentation and dewatering require huge facilities to treat the wastewater and water from the two processes. Composting is a much cheaper option as facilities only need to remove water from the waste and then dry it out. Non-hazardous waste that contains nutrients like sodium, nitrogen and potassium can be treated with microorganisms that turn it into organic fertiliser.
Root-zone Treatment
Another liquid waste management option is root-zone treatment, which is an excellent option for relatively clean water such as bathroom, shower, sink and kitchen water. The water has to pass through sedimentation tanks, filtration processes and then through the roots of plants. The roots of these plants contain microorganisms that remove different contaminants from this water.
The root-zone treatment creates wetlands through which relatively clean and safe wastewater flows. It is a complex and specialised process, although it is relatively cheap as it relies on gravity and is exceptionally environmentally friendly.
Managing liquid effluent from our homes or industries is crucial for preserving the environment. Fortunately, there are several options that residential and industrial liquid waste management companies use to ensure the water that ends up in waterways and the environment is clean and does not contain contaminants that would harm the environment, ecosystems, animals and humans.