Best Lenders That Offer Lowest Personal Loan Rate of Interest

Best Lenders That Offer Lowest Personal Loan Rate of Interest

Many of you will surely agree on the fact that availing a personal loan is not an easy thing. Yes, it needs expert skills and a lot of time to find an ideal lender, offering you the best deal. And, as far as finding the best lender is concerned, you don’t need to worry at all. Yes, because, today, in this article, we are going to give you the sneak peek of many lenders, offering you the lucrative PL deal. So, without wasting any time further, let’s just go further and talk about the best lenders below:

HDFC: If we are talking about availing an online personal loan, it is difficult to ignore this lender. Yes, being a renowned name in the industry, it is best known for offering a great deal for PL. This is the reason why most of the borrowers prefer to avail a loan from this lender. As far as personal loan rate of interest is concerned, this lender is currently offering the credit at a rate of 11.25% per annum. The bank is offering the loan to both salaried as well as self-employed, hence allowing them to enjoy a hassle-free journey.

ICICI: Another prominent name in the industry, it would not be wrong to say that ICICI with its best of services rules the roost. If we talk about the ICICI personal loan interest rates, at present, this lender is giving the credit to the applicants at a rate of 10.99%-18.49% per annum. With the help of this range, it would be easy for you to enjoy a pocket-friendly EMI along with the Interest Outgo.

SBI: What to say about SBI? Being country’s largest lender, at present it offers the credit to the applicants at a rate of 10.95%-15.35% per annum. If we go deep down into the matter, with this range, it is easy for the applicants to enjoy the affordable monthly installments. Yes, with lower rates of SBI personal loan, it is for you, in the long run, to get the affordable monthly installments as the rates will have a direct impact on your EMIs.

Kotak Mahindra Bank: With the lowest personal loan interest rates, there is no denying the fact that this lender is here to give you the best PL experience. Currently, the lender is offering the loan at a rate of 10.99%-20.99% per annum, which means you are going to have a less burden as far as loan repayment is concerned.

Now that you know much about the top lenders offering the best personal loans deal. It is important that you should also be aware of the personal loan EMI calculator. Yes,with this online tool, you can easily know the exact and accurate calculations of your monthly installments and Interest Outgo, hence can take a calculative decision in the future. This device after taking into account-loan amount, tenure and interest rate gives you the values in the least time frame.

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