Common Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a condition that affects your nerves and brain. It is a lifelong condition that eventually will result in the loss of motor functions, bladder and bowel control, a loss of vision, pain, and as a result, can cause mental health issues such as depression. That isn’t to say that those diagnosed with MS can’t still enjoy a full, happy life, but it will impact your daily routine because of how your body reacts to it, whether these are minor changes or more severe. MS can affect anyone at any age, but it usually develops between the ages of 20 and 40. While MS isn’t directly inherited or a contagious condition, those who have a relative with MS are more likely to develop it, and even environmental factors can contribute to this condition developing, such as smoking tobacco and obesity.
If you are worried that you or a loved one might be showing signs of MS, below are some common symptoms to look for.
Weakness or Fatigue
It’s important to note that weakness or fatigue can be a symptom of various health conditions, so if this is something that you have noticed in yourself or a loved one recently, it doesn’t necessarily mean it’s MS. However, these things are common symptoms of this condition, related to the brain lesions and inflammation caused by MS. You might find yourself feeling weaker as MS also can result in your muscles shrinking, or you are using them less because you might be experiencing pain when you do.
Problems with Balance and Feeling Dizzy
If you have observed that you are losing your balance more regularly or having frequent dizzy spells, this can also be an indication of MS to watch out for. Again, these symptoms can be linked to other neurological conditions, too, such as Parkinson’s disease, Meniere’s disease, or vestibular neuronitis, as a few examples. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it’s worth booking an appointment with a neurologist for further investigation and an accurate diagnosis. You can search the term find neurologists near me, so see a list of local specialists who can help you.
Vision Impairment
Another sign to watch out for if you’re concerned about developing MS is if your vision is starting to become blurred or impaired in some way. You should see your optician for an eye test first if this is happening to rule out the issue is something less serious, such as you just need reading glasses due to strained eyes. However, if there appears to be a more severe issue at play, an MRI scan should help you take those first steps to get an MS diagnosis if this is the cause.
Numbness or Tingling Sensation Throughout Your Body
MS can result in demyelination, which is where the myelin (a fatty tissue) around your nerves deteriorates. This is often what causes tingling or numb sensation that is associated with MS. It might start in one part of your body, and you find that it spreads. If you are experiencing these issues, make sure you book an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible to find the root cause, whether that is MS or something else, and start receiving the right treatment.
MS is a difficult condition to navigate and can change the way you live your life. However, depending on its severity, you might not be affected by it too much for years and only experience mild symptoms. Nonetheless, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms, see a medical professional immediately to get a correct diagnosis.