Do You Suffer from Varicose Veins? Why You Should Get Them Treated!

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted veins that appear on your legs and feet. Varicose veins occur beneath the dermis, and your blood vessels swell and appear raised on the epidermis of the skin. Men and women both experience this vein disorder, but it is more prevalent in women. These unsightly bulges can be more than just a cosmetic issue.
The more common origins of vein disorders are related to our lifestyle, where we must stand, sit, and walk for long periods of time. These actions cause pressure on the veins in our legs and calves. Your veins are essential to your health because it is their job to deliver blood to the heart.
Additional risk factors in the formation of damaged veins include the following:
- Age
- Hormonal changes in both men and women
- Pregnancy
- Heredity
- Obesity
- Trauma
The symptoms of this condition can appear visually or not and sometimes accompanied by pain:
- Coloring: deep blue, reddish and purple vein skin discoloration
- Cord-like or stringy vein networks in appearance
- Legs feel weighty and uncomfortable
- Cramping, tingling, and swelling of the lower legs
- An aching and painful feeling when you have sat or stood for long periods of time
- Itchiness around the veins wherever they appear
- Night cramping
Health Risks
If varicose veins sound like a health risk, you would be right. Not all appearances of varicose veins or spider veins are a health risk, but a physician should be consulted so that they can examine them. Harmful health risks, that are rare, but depending on the patient, the damaged veins can cause:
- Painful ulcers
- Blood clots (thrombophlebitis)
- Internal bleeding
If your physician suggests that your vein disorder requires treatment, several options will help.
- Saphenous Vein Ablation: An ablation for saphenous vein treatment is done when a thin catheter is inserted into the affected vein. Then radiofrequency waves are emitted and heat the areas of the saphenous vein and destroys the damaged area. The ablation for saphenous vein heating solution allows the blood supply to move frequently, sealing the vein.
- Vein Stripping: this method includes removing the damaged varicose vein through a surgical procedure.
- Endoscopic Perforator Surgery: This surgical procedure is performed on individuals who have been diagnosed with severe varicose veins and have developed leg ulcers. An endoscopy surgery inserts a camera with a tube to view the inside of the veins to guide the surgeon succinctly to the damaged vein areas.
- Foam Sclerotherapy: this is a promising healing treatment within the healthcare industry. A milky opaque medical mixture is introduced to forced air. This creates a sterile foam reaction which is injected into the vein area. The foam causes the blood clot or damaged vein area to adhere to the foam, freeing the vein blood flow.
- Home Solutions: If you have been diagnosed with a mild case varicose veins, your physician will prescribe at-home remedies. You will be directed to do specific exercises, elevate your legs when sitting and sleeping, and prevent excessive standing, walking, or sitting times.
There are additional steps to take to improve the body’s blood flow and lessen any pressure on your veins. Also, remain active so that you can help the body to move its blood supply quickly through your veins. You don’t need to be overactive or too strenuous because you will develop the opposite effect of healthy veins.