Do you want to become a leader?

Do you want to become a leader?

The most significant aspect of leadership is ‘respect’. Without your team’s respect, you may only be a boss and not a leader.

What differentiates a boss from a leader?

A boss commands, but a leader leads people. People don’t just obey but follow their leaders. They respect their leader’s vision and goals.

There is a lot to learn from the life stories of business leaders like Bardya Ziaian and Rob Douglas.

Here are ways you can lead a team of people:-

Stand up and stand out.

If you want your team to recognize you, don’t hide behind them. Stand out and stand in front of your people to lead them. Take responsibility and lead by example.

Be assertive

Don’t shy away. Speak your mind and ask your team to respond. Communicate clearly and consciously and exhibit confidence in your ideas. The more you believe in yourself, the more your team will believe in you.

Build a strong network

Connect with senior people in and outside your company. Build a network with industry leaders and experts. Support them to support you in building yourself as a leader. Moreover, industry experts can give you great insights into leadership and business matters.

Recognize your people

Most people leave their job not because they don’t like their work, because they don’t like their bosses. If you want your team to stay firm with you and follow you, then appreciate them often. Recognize their contributions and reward them for every little achievement.

Delegate responsibilities

As a leader, you must trust your people and share responsibilities with them. Don’t try to do everything yourself. Understand your team’s strength and assign them tasks accordingly. Your team will trust you when you trust them.

Take up challenges

Motivate your team for taking up new challenges every day and show it to them by doing yourself. Learn something new every day and try to do something you have never done before. This way, you can inspire your team to come out of their comfort zone and push their limits.

Bardya Ziaian is a job creator, a strategic director, and a passionate entrepreneur.

Improve your emotional quotient

You can have a great IQ and significant business experience to take a leader’s position. But, a good leader has a high emotional quotient as well. Leadership brings many challenges and tests a leader’s patience, integrity, and perseverance. The responsibility of pulling your team towards the business goal can be overwhelming many times. Learn to be calm and patient. Listen to your team and respond to them. Learn anger management and be a support to your team. A leader who is respected by people goes a long way.

Don’t sabotage your personal life.

Many managers and bosses ignore their family and personal life in a rush to prove themselves in front of the seniors and achieve the leadership position.

Your family and your mental health will keep you running for long. Don’t sabotage them for short-lived success. Your team will appreciate you more if you maintain a healthy balance between your work and personal life and encourage them to do the same.

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