GMAT Exam: Important information

GMAT Exam: Important information

The value of education is increasing every day and the importance of a knowledgeable person is known widely in the world. A person with a degree is treated like a wise and highly knowledgeable person in our society.

Therefore, getting educated is important for every person in the highly competitive, today’s world. But the knowledge that can not be applied in the real world can’t be truly considered as education; that is why, to measure one’s education, tests are taken throughout the world. These tests or exams can be named differently but serve the general purpose of analyzing the abilities of the application under a given set of conditions.

These exams can be used by various institutions to measure the capabilities of a person so that the person can be either provided a job or an admission to a grad school. Similarly, GMAT tests are used by universities to predict the performance of test-takers in management programs specifically in an MBA. In Bangalore, many people are giving this exam and hence take GMAT coaching in Bangalore as it helps to crack this exam.

GMAT stands for Graduate Management Admission Test which is a standardized exam for students, particularly in Management courses. This exam is 3 and a half hours long and is considered fairly effective as an analysis for graduate students.

There are a few different ways to register for this exam like online registration, via phone or through postal mail. This exam is divided into four sections:

  • Analytical writing: This involves reading a given paragraph and then making an argument in favor of or against the main idea of the paragraph. This tests the writing as well as the comprehensive skills of a person. This takes 30 minutes and consists of 1 topic.
  • Integrated reasoning: This requires the test-taker to analyze tables and performing a two-part analysis. If a person has well knowledge of multi-source reasoning, there are chances that he/she would clear the exam. This part is also 30 minutes long and is usually consisted of 12 questions.
  • Quantitative reasoning: The part of quantitative reasoning checks the mathematical and problem-solving abilities of a person by giving mathematical questions. It also measures the data sufficiency of the candidates to meet the requirements. This takes up to 62 minutes and has 31 questions.
  • Verbal reasoning: This section is completed by reading an unseen passage and then comprehending it along with correcting paragraph thus proving the linguistic skills. This is 65 minutes long and has 36 questions.

GMAT is a computer-adaptive test which means that the performance of the candidate directly affects the difficulty level of the next question. The total score of the aspirants can score from 200 to 800 in this exam and the average score is around 550. Though the scores required by the well-known universities may range from 720 to 735 which is very high.

To achieve these high scores students are working very hard in the coaching centers out of which the famous ones are the GMAT coaching in Bangalore.

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