How Much Does Dental Implants Cost?

How Much Does Dental Implants Cost?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions today about dental implants. You will not believe but this question is even more popular than the questions about post-operative pain or even the success rate of the surgery. Unlike what most people think and believe, dental implants are not that expensive. Before we get to the answer, we would like you to consider the cost of dental implants as an investment instead of an expense. 

Why dental implants are considered to be an investment? 

Dental implants are considered to be an expensive procedure. Yes, bridges and dentures are the two alternatives for dental implants that are cheaper than implants. Remember that dentures and bridges might not cost high in the beginning but their maintenance can cost you even more than the cost of implants. In addition to that, there are many different benefits of dental implants that justify their cost. 

Now that you know that these dental implants are an investment, the question is – How much do they cost? 

Let’s get to the answer now. 

One more thing that you need to know about is that every case is different. This is why the cost is also different for each case. Just to give you an estimate each dental implant costs approximately $1,500 – $2,000. Remember the cost for dental implants is measured per implant, not per procedure. Now, the entire cost of your dental implant will completely depend on how many dental implants you need, meaning how many missing teeth you have. Depending on how many teeth you are missing, the entire cost of the procedure will be calculated.

This estimate of the cost is not just for implants, it also includes the cost of the following things – 

  •  The crown – It is the tooth you are going to replace your real tooth with. 
  • The abutment – This is the part that connects the implant and the crown. 
  • Root and tooth extraction cost 
  • Pre-op & post-op care cost 
  • The cost of the office visit

All these things are included in the estimate that we have provided you with. 

Now, you do not have to worry. The good news is that most dental insurance providers cover the cost of dental implants partially. However, dental insurance does not cover all the expenses. So, you will have to pay at least some of the amount to get the dental implants done. 

In our experience at Taylor View Dental, we have also seen patients taking advantage of the care credit financing to get the implants procedure done. So, if you have any plans to get the implants done but don’t have the financial means, you can get the procedure financed. 


In the end, we would say that the cost of dental implants will depend on the 3D scan image that your dentist will take during consultation. Depending on the density of the bone and how many teeth are missing, the will dentist be able to determine the cost of the entire procedure. Meanwhile, for people who have crooked teeth and misaligned jaws, you might also be asking yourself, “Is Invisalign cheaper than regular braces?” To know more, you can book a consultation with your dentist today.

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