Instagram Stories: A Make or Break Factor in Your Online Marketing Strategy

Having a strong presence on social media platforms such as Instagram is extremely important, owing to its enormous user population. Needless to say, Instagram is basically a free marketing tool that brands can leverage for gaining exposure and increase their user engagement. Thanks to its more than 800 million users and the recently launched ‘Instagram Stories’, the platform is currently the most sought-after marketing tool for all kinds of businesses.
What are Instagram stories?
The Instagram stories were launched in 2016, which allows you to post temporary slideshows and videos that is valid for 24 hours and then vanishes. This feature of Instagram has been very effective for businesses, as they were able to offer a behind the scenes and real-life look at the aspects they deal with every day in their company. If you are considering using Instagram stories for promoting your brand and gain real Instagram followers, you can connect with authentic online sources that are proficient in Instagram marketing.
With that being said, take a look at these facts that will make you consider using Instagram stories in your online marketing campaign:
Ideal for Storytelling
Instagram stories have given brands an excellent opportunity to convey messages and get into a casual conversation with their audience, something which they do not get on other platforms. This casual conversation has allowed businesses to tell a story about their foundation and objectives, along with their upcoming products and services. When it comes to marketing on the go, nothing beats the storytelling nature of Instagram stories.
Not So Professional Yet More Views
This is probably the single most important reason that makes Instagram one of the best platforms for marketing. Every marketer understands the importance of content; however, the audience is sort of more forgiving even if you make an error in the content of the story. All you need is to pour lots of innovation in it and make it fun while watching.
Allows You to Publish Content Frequently
Although Instagram is completely a visual-sharing platform, posting content at regular intervals all the day might annoy your followers and you may get flagged down. With Instagram stories, you get an unlimited opportunity to post as many images you like, as it is designed to be a slideshow of content. Moreover, the content in Instagram stories is meant to exist for one day, thus you do not have to prepare a lot for the content like you do for a normal Instagram post.
Boost Traffic and Engagement
Instagram users who own more than ten thousand followers get an additional opportunity to trigger advanced Stories facilities, which involves the inclusion of external links to every Story post. To use the link, viewers need to swipe up on their mobile screens and they will land on the designated URL page. In general, Instagram stories have provided brands with a great opportunity to connect with their followers with much intimacy, which leads to driving more traffic to their websites.
With the “behind the scenes” and playful content of Instagram stories, you can attract a lot of followers and have them perform an action. All you need to do is share something that is relatively new and interesting.