The Best Food Recipe Apps for iOS and Android Users

The Best Food Recipe Apps for iOS and Android Users

With major life shifts, the pandemic has greatly influenced people into cooking healthier. According to a recent survey, almost 54% of the survey respondents claimed that they are cooking more during the pandemic than before the virus spread. 

This change is witnessed in the United States after 50 years when people have become more confident with their cooking skills. 

The survey concluded that 51% of respondents are sure that they will continue cooking more even after the virus ends. 

The increased passion for cooking among people has increased online searches for cooking tutorials and food blogs. 

Famous recipe workers such as Alison Roman, Julia Turshen, and Jey Tila have become super-active on their Twitter handles and are posting answers to cooking-related questions for people. 

Why are People Cooking More in Pandemic? 

All of the statistics above brings us to a question. Which is, why are people cooking so much lately? 

And the answer is; stress relief. 

There is no mystery to the fact that since the pandemic, we all have been expressing high-stress levels. 

With so much going on in the world, it is hard to keep yourself on the calmer side. 

And this is why people are enjoying cooking as their substitute for things that made them feel relaxed but are now unable to perform because of pandemic restrictions. 

Activities such as working out, going for a walk, meeting friends, and just doing the pre-coronavirus normal things are now restricted to curb the spread of the virus. 

However, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, mental health experts suggest treating mental illness such as stress and anxiety with cooking therapy. They believe that cooking therapy relieves stress. 

So now that we are well aware of the benefits of coking during the pandemic here are a few applications that can help you practice this new passion more professionally. But before that make sure you have a strong and reliable internet connection like WOW Internet deals to take your cooking to new heights.  

Forks Plant-Based Recipes

If you are aspiring to become a vegan or if you are one, then this recipe app is just the best thing for you. The Fork Plant-Based Recipes is an application inspired by makers of the Fork over Knives. 

The app providers over 400 by more than 50 celebrated chefs. The app also adds new recipes almost every week. 

Some of the recipes are claimed to help people with chronic illnesses such as heart disease or type 2 disease. 

The application provides instructions with a simple step-to-step guide, a gallery with gorgeous photographs of food to entice your appetite. 

You can buy the app for $5 on both, iOS and Android. 

BBC Good Food

If you think the BBC only makes the great British TV then you will be amazed to see their food recipe app. The application has a huge database that offers over 10,000 easily accessible recipes. 

The application is great for those who want to display their recipes out there, to help people cook. The app brings user-submitted recipes as well as the tested recipes from the Good Food Tea, at BBC and the celebrity chefs. 

The application allows you to create an account and save the recipes that you liked and also make a custom collection of it. 

You can also rate and save the recipes to view them later. 

You can download the application for Free on both, iOS and Android. 


Don’t you just hate it when you find a good recipe on the internet but when you want to cook it, it disappears. 

Well, don’t worry the Paprika application is a recipe manager app that will help you out with this issue. 

The app helps you in saving the recipes you find on different web pages so that when cooking something new you have a whole database of your own. 

The application is also helpful in allowing users in the season for cooking meals and also to adjust the ingredients according to the serving sizes. 

You can buy the application for just $5 on both iOS and Android. 


You must have enjoyed watching Tasty videos on the internet, but now you can try out their recipes without having to scroll through their timeline on their social media pages. 

The application provides an easy step-by-step guide and also makes sure your home screen doesn’t sleep while you are looking for recipes. 

The application also sends personalized recommendations for your meal depending upon the major holiday or day of the week. 

Unleash your Inner Cook

With the easy step-by-step guide, customized recommendation, and much more these applications will help you unleash your inner cook during the pandemic. 


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