Different Types Of Eating Disorders And Their Treatment

Different Types Of Eating Disorders And Their Treatment

Eating disorder is a type of mental conditions that have affected many people around the world. And the worst thing is that many people are not even aware of the fact that they have been struck by an eating disorder. Moreover, it is not simply about eating unhealthy food and excessive weight gain.

The eating disorder also brings many kinds of emotional and stress-related issues. Even forcing a person who is suffering from any kind of eating disorder never works. We need to follow an effective approach to health treatment and mental encouragement to treat the person in a good manner.

There are many good intensive outpatient program as well that provide good treatment for eating disorders. In addition, if a person is suffering from any drug addiction, then it is best to send him quickly to an outpatient rehab center. There are many good outpatient drug rehab centers that provide effective treatment.

Types of Eating Disorders

    1. Anorexia

In this eating disorder, people develop a habit of starving themselves in an extreme manner because of the fear of getting fat. Even if the person is underweight according to his age and height, he never accepts the fact that he is thin in reality. Many people suffering from this disorder usually go on highly restrictive diets, exercises, and diet pills as well.

  2. Bulimia

Bulimia is another type of eating disorder that brings a destructive cycle of bingeing and purging. After following a bad cycle of consistent bingeing, they start taking very extreme steps to control their extra calories. Moreover, to avoid gaining quick extra weight, they sometimes start to vomit, fast, and go too extreme in exercise.

 3. Bing Eating Disorder

It is the most common type of eating disorder that has affected a large number of people. Under this condition, people consume food in a repetitive manner within a very short period of time. The worst part is that despite feeling ashamed of this eating style, they are completely unable to control it.


   1. Individual or Group Therapy

By getting involved in an individual or group therapy, a person can really explore the most important issues or factors involved in an eating disorder. By getting more information from other people, you can learn how to control and respond effectively to your stress and emotional pain. It will also help to improve your self-esteem and make you think about your other important life goals instead of just focusing on the food.

    2. Family Therapy

Under family therapy, you get the chance to openly discuss the matter with your family members related to your eating disorder. This will help each and everyone understands that how your bad eating patterns affect negatively the overall family relationships. By finding and understanding the root causes, you can improve communication, support, and respect in your family.

   3. Nutritional Counseling

The main job of a nutrition counselor is to give you the right information about the importance of healthy nutrition. He also helps in incorporating healthy eating habits in your daily routine. With the help of a good counselor, you can quickly change your eating habits within a very short period of time.

  4.Medical Monitoring

The medical monitoring is also very important in this condition to ensure that your health is not in danger. It is done by a medical doctor that includes regular weigh-ins, blood tests, and other health screenings.


To get the best and quick results, it is highly recommended to join an intensive outpatient program from a good and recognized platform.

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