What Does TV MA Mean?

What Does TV MA Mean?

TV-MA is a rating assigned by the television networks to a television program that would ordinarily be rated as TV-14, but contains content that is so strong and graphic, but can 12 year olds watch TV-MA? No, that it should only be viewed by adults. This may include graphic violence, strong language, and/or nudity.

TV-MA is a rating assigned by the TV Parental Guidelines to a television program that is designed for mature audiences only. This means that the program may contain content that is not suitable for children, such as graphic violence, explicit sexual content, or strong language. 

TV-MA is the highest rating assigned by the TV Parental Guidelines, and is equivalent to the ratings assigned by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and the Canadian Home Video Rating System (CHVRS). The above description is the answer for- what does TV MA mean on netflix? and what does TV MA mean on hulu?

Programs that are rated TV-MA are not appropriate for children under the age of 17, and may be inappropriate for some adults. Viewers are advised to use discretion when watching TV-MA rated programs.

  1. TV-MA is not a rating assigned by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA). The MPAA has a separate rating system for films.
  2. .TV-MA is the highest rating assigned by the television industry. Programs with this rating are not suitable for children under the age of 17.
  3. TV-MA is not a content descriptor like “language” or “violence.” A program with a TV-MA rating may or may not have content descriptors.
  4. Some programs that are rated TV-MA may be edited for content and re-rated TV-14.

TV MA means that the show is intended for a mature audience and may not be suitable for children

TV-MA is not a designation that is given to a show lightly. In order for a program to be rated TV-MA, it must contain content that is significantly more graphic or mature than what is typically seen on television. This is why TV-MA programs are usually only aired late at night or on premium cable channels like HBO.

While the TV-MA rating is not required, it is strongly suggested that only viewers who are 18 years of age or older watch these programs.

TV-MA is a rating that is assigned to a television program by the TV Parental Guidelines. This rating is given to a program that was designed for only mature audiences. The TV-MA rating means that the program may contain strong language, graphic violence, sexual content, or all three. 

TV-MA is not a designation that is given lightly. In order for a program to be rated TV-MA, it must contain content that is significantly more graphic or mature than what is typically seen on television. This is why TV-MA programs are only aired late at night or on premium cable channels like HBO. 

 So, if you see a TV show that is rated TV-MA, you can expect it to be pretty graphic and not suitable for younger viewers.


On this blog, I have covered- what does tv ma mean on netflix? Can 12 year olds watch TV-MA? And got to know that TV-MA is a rating that should be taken seriously. It is given to television programs that contain graphic violence, strong language, and sexual content. If you see a TV show that is rated TV-MA, it is not meant for younger viewers and may be too graphic for some.

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