What is Viooz & Viooz Alternative sites

What is Viooz & Viooz Alternative sites

Viooz offers movies and Tv shows for free online streaming but it lags sometimes. For incredible online streaming experience, catch the best Viooz Alternative sites.

Online streaming has grown rapidly as an industry and it has proven its worth as it becomes the founder of over-the-top services. The passion for web series has also grown due to its wide range of content and incredibly unique topics. With this growth, the demand for free online streaming platforms has also increased. There are thousands of online streaming sites available online but Viooz is considered the best.

What is Viooz?

Viooz is one of the best online streaming sites offering movies and Tv shows for free in HD quality. The site has proven its worth because it offers movies and Tv series of different genres like romance, family, thrill, sci-fi, rom-com, documentary, drama, history, music, action, adventure, comedy, mystery, war, and western.
What happened to Viooz?
It is no secret that when the number of users increased the service provider has two options either to face difficulty in service or to lose the number of users. These two difficulties were faced by Viooz. With an increase in the number of users, the server goes down; the page goes unresponsive, and the speed becomes slower.

Where to watch movies online for free?

As it has already been mentioned that Viooz is facing various issues like slow speed and unresponsive page. This means in order to stream movies and Tv shows online for you need to know the sites like Viooz that will provide the best quality content.
Here are some of the best streaming sites that will provide you the HD movies and Tv shows


With a highly attractive black-colored theme, SolarMovies has an incredibly user-friendly interface. It allows you to search your favorite movies and Tv shows from the search bar. It has sorted all the content available on the site in different categories including genres, release, country, movies, and top ratings. For movie enthusiasts, it brings the IMDb rating list of the movies as well. You can stream online for free the Action, Animation, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Documentary, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Horror, and romance movies, and Tv shows. Not only movies but popular Tv shows like Grey’s Anatomy, Vikings, The Walking Dead, The Flash, Game of Thrones, and Big Bang Theory are also available.


Are looking for a streaming site that provides the latest movies and news related to them as well? Vidics is the popular streaming site that brings you the latest movies and Tv shows along with the latest news related to them.


LookMovie is an excellent and one of the best streaming sites. Here you will find movies in various genres like Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Crime, Mystery, Romance, and more. It is the best site among Viooz alternative sites because you can easily unblock Viooz movies from it.
Finding your favorite content has been made easy by dividing it into different categories like Genres, Release Year, Rating, Newest First, etc. This doesn’t end here. The latest and popular Tv shows are another specialty of LookMovie.


Last on the list but not the least! ConTV is the best streaming site allowing you to watch the latest and the classic movies and Tv shows without any registration. You can enjoy movies in Action, Animation, Adventure, Crime, Comedy, Horror, Sci-Fi, History, and Fantasy. It has an interesting and eye-catching theme as well. Along with Tv shows and movies, ConTV lets you enjoy the latest documentaries and Animated videos as well.

Sum Up

Viooz is one of the best streaming sites but it is facing difficulty handling large crowds. This takes us to various other sites that work like Viooz. This piece has presented the top working sites like Viooz. Hope you will have a great online streaming experience!

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